Tale of Adventure (5) (once per day) Walkthrough New Kaineng City (open world) Upon fleeing the Yong. I believe its going to Arborstone, you can see they are building one there after a few mastery unlocks. It's times like these I wish we had something like a Lonely Tyria Travel. Kralkatorrik's Emergence Zone can be found here, which was created years ago when the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik awoke from his. Not only would it incentivise the latest hub being used, but the longer the yearly expansion cycle goes on this will only become more unwielding. 1 Essence of Lion's Arch 1 Essence of the East 1 Essence of the West 50 Mystic Coin. g. png 64 × 64; 8 KB. After the Arborstone mission, the cathedral is now overrun by Wardens. The icon depicts Metal Legion's logo. These kodan have been blessed with the. This is true both with my filter and no filter applied. Bjora Marches Portal Scroll: Bjora Marches: Karma vendors (Anette Eymundrdottir , Humble Stone) Drizzlewood Coast Portal Scroll: Drizzlewood Coast: Karma vendors (Annona Vinedrummer, United Legions Quaestor, Veteran United Legions Quaestor) End of Dragons; Arborstone Portal Scroll: Arborstone in the Echovald Wilds: Completing the. Wizard's Tower Teleportation Stone. Pull the portal scroll out when you want to play one, port in and play it, then go back near a bank or crafting station and slap it back in for the next alt. Most of the alts I've made have been for a specific purpose too, like fractals or WvW, so they don't need to see a lot of zones. 1758. Using portals or portal managers in most of the lounges, accessible by purchasing a pass in the Gem Store. Not salvageable. Place the Siren's Landing Portal Scroll in the tome. Found in the waters of. Boasting colorful plumage that rivals that of the rainbow moa, the phoenix is a regal avian considered by many to be the ruler of all birds. There are a number of different transportation and travel methods that can be used to get across Tyria in Guild Wars 2 . New Kaineng City - Kaineng Blackout Pre-Meta & Meta. However, if it's your first time, we recommend trying to play with members of your guild, or joining a guild that's dedicated to teaching players the mechanics of Strike Missions (yes. Rainbow Trout. This can be used to teleport to Arborstone an infinite number of times, and it is. Dragonfall is a zone in the Unending Ocean south of the Ruins of Orr, although mechanically belonging to the Crystal Desert . Now that my first char finished EoD story, the portal in LionArch is active for ALL my chars (maybe it opened earlier, e. It is filled with various islands floating above ground, of a distorted reality that depict different regions of the . Kind of wish I could have a simple scroll for. Juvenile White Tigers are animal companions that can be charmed by rangers . There are two workers. Posted December 8, 2021. Store living world portal scrolls inside of this tome. Honnaja 08:01, 11. Posted December 8, 2021. This item cannot be used while in combat. 50x Mystic Coins. Shing Jea Mosaic Cape. 8104 Just remove some spaceThere is an Arborstone Portal Scroll. 1 You can only earn the faction reward the first time you complete the mission at a certain level in either mode, you will not earn faction for completing it in the other mode. 8537. There is an asura. ; Notes []. Notes . 🙂That being said, I needed to hit a bank, so I traveled to EoN using a portal scroll, but getting back to Seitung will cost 12s. Store living world portal scrolls inside of this tome. Basically nothing is actually locked behind the story. Cause i have used it like 1 million times before and my finger was moving on autopilot. Cantha (End of Dragons) Total achievements: 16. Drizzlewood Coast is a zone in the. Limited by story progression. There's a portal scroll for Arborstone, that's how I got my characters across. Once unlocked, the Arborstone Portal Scroll can be used to access Arborstone from anywhere in the world, or it can be reached from the entrance within Echovald Wilds. Traverse the room clockwise until you hit the wall. Requires the End of Dragons expansion, a level 80 character and unlocking access to Arborstone. And if you don't have mistlock (or any other lounges) you can also grab season portal tomes and if you have none you can just go through the portal to lions arch in arborstone, which is also handy if you wanna put a <80 character in arborstone since the portal scroll has a level requirement Open your map, click on the blue down arrow in the bottom right corner, teleport to Cantha for a fortune. We didn't get a portal scroll in PoF the base expansion or HoT. Objectives: 12 objectives in total. Shop Now!Skywatch Archipelago Horn of Maguuma region. This item cannot be. White Mantle Portal Device Recharging Teleport to Friend Teleport to Friend (when the above one is recharging) Feast of Delectable Birthday Cake Portable United Legions Waystations Prototype Position Rewinder Arborstone Portal Scroll Pieces of Common Unidentified Gear (stacks no matter which character gets them) The good news is that you do get an Arborstone Portal Scroll for free in the story. Things that I have in there in the order I remember them in: Copper-fed-salvage & Runecrafters salvage, infinite fractal omnipotion, Mystic forge conduit, mistlock sanctuary pass, arborstone portal scroll, Tarrktun Portal (infinite trash vendor), 3 types of buff food/utilities, recharging TP to friend. Endless Dragonvoid Combat Tonic. it's basically a quick portal to an area that has all services (bank, trading post, vendors, crafting, mystic forge, etc etc) all really close together, plus a fractal entrance (mistlock only), and you you can use the item again to teleport back to where you were for free. There are ten locations that the fledgling can be found. To be honest the entire North Eastern border of the map should act like a full portal. The Scrying Stone in Arborstone. Fixed an issue that allowed Rama and Ayumi to talk over each other inside Arborstone. Otherwise, one will unlock the waypoint but get zoned back to their original location and cannot use the waypoint. 😭 Reply gw2gambit •. Tale of Adventure (5) (once per day) Walkthrough New Kaineng City (open world) Upon fleeing the Yong Reactor in the previous episode, you find yourself washed up in the far northwest corner of New Kaineng City. Ascended - Gizmo. A zip line directly from the teleport scroll destination to the inn would be so appreciated. JGRIF312 • • 2 yr. I have Icebrood Saga Portal Tome & Arborstone Portal Scroll only, so suspect that the portal now offers you destinations you already have access to. pointlessone • 1 yr. The only reason Arborstone is used i because we have portal scroll. Dragonfall Portal Scroll. since the new update the azura gate to arborstone is not working anymore on my account, I can still see the green extraction point to show me where is the fastest way to complete my story but the portal is gone and the workers are back at work. Portalable composter. Total Crafting Cost Breakdown. E. The Commander's Quarter's drive me insane. The S5E3 slot is the place where you will be able to teleport when episode 3 will be live, and you will buy portal scroll and "put" it into the tome. Find 4 rare flowers across Tyria. Find an alpine lily in Snowden Drifts. Despite their ferocious appearance, wallows are actually quite docile and make for lovely companions. 8802 at level 80; HistoryArborstone Portal Scroll disappeared from my account and cant be obtained anymoreUsing Arborstone Portal Scroll had me slowly flying upwards. Published Apr 22, 2022 Arborstone is a hub that can be upgraded with mastery points. You can definitely get in there without needing to do it on every character. Second best option is to use your guild hall and simply run from there. Plus, making it a scroll opens up the possibility of. Mech Behavior Analysis. Use to teleport to the Wizard's Tower. Arborstone Portal Scroll Ascended Gizmo (Default) Required Level: 80. Tower of Secrets. Fixed an issue with the eligibility effect that tracks the I Brought Flowers achievement. Executioner Axe Toy - gives. Notes . Doppelklicken, um nach Arborstein in der Echowald-Wildnis zu teleportieren. From Jahai Bluffs: The portal is south of Wurmmarshal's Encampment. Could be a portal tome to Arborstone just like we got for Eye of the North. Arborstone is from a specific EoD story mission Reply CriticalNature0815 • Additional comment actions. True, but not quite what I had in mind. Including most EoD and PoF maps and a few living world maps. For the large shard encountered in Arah, see Bloodstone Shard (NPC). I imagine you get a portal scroll to the Wizard’s Tower at some point in the story like you do with the Arborstone scroll, and likely a portal will be added/unlocked in LA account-wide after completing a story step (again, like how Arborstone is inaccessible until at least one of your characters have accessed it through. Can be added to the Season 4 Portal Tome, but this disables ability to use it while defeated. Nuxmin • 1 yr. Now that my first char finished EoD story, the portal in LionArch is active for ALL my chars (maybe it opened earlier, e. Sign up for a new account in our community. Well, this could fit my imagination about arborstone restoration mastery line. You can buy a portal scroll and put in the bank. Perhaps. This name is also used for a mission, an outpost, a Zaishen mission quest, and a Zaishen vanquish quest. If you have obtained the Arborstone Portal Scroll while playing the story with a character, alternate characters at level 80 can use the item to teleport to Arborstone and then, just like before, simply have. Use the Arborstone Portal Scroll, rewarded by the Fallout story step, which can be used by any character (at level 80) to quickly travel there, with unlimited uses. Map completion for example - it doesn't carry over but you don't need most of it. Edited March 9, 2022 by Okhu. The following objects are know to apply this effect Teleporter to First Level; Teleporter to Second Level; Teleporter to Third LevelUsing Domain of Kourna Portal Scroll. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites. Portal (The Darklands) — an object in The Desolation that allows access to the Chantry of Shadows during the Forged siege event. With Arborstone unlocked, you can also travel there by the Asura Gate at Coriolis Plaza in Lion's Arch. Later on you'll get an Arborstone portal scroll. Successfully complete events involving the naga and Unchained in Seitung Province. It features most of the standard services and. But yes, a way to condense tomes/scrolls would be great. 4. He can be found northeast of Danika's Respite, near the hut. de:传送门-Schriftrolle: Arborstein es:Pergamino de portal a Piedra Arbórea. Join. Alternatively you can just scroll down, cantha is far below the. Drizzlewood Coast Portal Scroll. 17 52 29. portal gems cast really slowly compared to clicking a scroll so i dont use them much. Clothing tonics (14 P) Combat tonics (23 P) Costume brawl toys (11 P) E. Using Teleport to Friend. Last items. History Early yearsFrom Arborstone: Take the Portal in the southeast of the Map. If you reached the point in the story you get a portal scroll to Arborstone which has vendors for fishing. For Tyria you basically go to the nearest captial and use mount from there. I suspect because it's quite easy to go from Arborstone to anywhere else, unlike in the living worlds (because it's all the same map, so far), and they'd rather encourage people to use the shiny new skiff to get from Kaineng to Shing Jea. You can take the zip line down and then go to the fishing portal and pick Cantha and then pick the option that takes you to that island. Arborstone Portal Scroll. Fractal), infinite to to friend, position rewinder and some other stuff Adding one more stack to your storage is huge. If they are lobbies then new/actual Lion's Arch and all the other city-maps with vendors, bank access, mystic forge,. Members; 35 Share; Posted. 9 Search for lost records in the markets of New Kaineng City. Account Bound Not salvageable Not sellableThe Portal to Tyria allows players to exit the Mistlock Sanctuary. I use them for the salvageomatics, portal scrolls (Home, LS3, LS4, IBS, Arborstone, wizardstower. This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total. — Official description. Win 20 games of hide-and-seek with the tengu fledgling in Arborstone. Arborstone Portal scroll; Your inventory should be cleared before joining the farmtrain as you do not want to check your inventory space to avoid staying behind. Use the Arborstone Portal Scroll, rewarded by the Fallout story step, which can be used by any character (at level 80) to quickly travel there, with unlimited uses. The Thousand Seas Pavilion should be part of the world map, specifically in Cantha - being able to use the Thousand Seas Pavilion as a quick way to get to Cantha would be wonderful - as an example, if I'm in northern Tyria and I want to. ; From the Echovald Wilds — a portal in the northwestern area of the map. They nurture the land's inhabitants with food sources and trade routes, yet harbor threats of naga and Unchained Risen within their depths. Only level 80 Juvenile Siege Turtles can be charmed; those with levels higher than 80 are instead Juvenile. Service area is more compact and you can use mounts to navigate it if desired. Posted yesterday at. Getting there []. Arborstone Teleport Stone is an effect that is applied to players as they move onto one of the teleporters in Arborstone. 1: Arborstone portal 2: Zipline right next to you to get 4 charges 3: Exit out to Echowild 4: Both offensive and Defensive buffs right there. EDIT 2: oops forgot about Arborstone! Thank you for pointing me in the correct direction, I was also able to locate a post where someone gave step by step instructions so. Arbor is the Latin word meaning "tree", thus "arborstone" translates to "tree stone", or "stone tree". The Wizard's Tower — portal in the eastern part of the Outer Ring, at Lion's Arch Connector — . Arborstone; Dialogue This door leads back out to the main hall of Arborstone. 该物品不能在战斗中使用。. Waypoints Once unlocked you can. There's even a portal in the center of Mistlock Sanctuary with no cost travel to any of the major cities for even more money saving! The mix of having this in one slot and Arborstone Portal Scroll in another shared slot allows me to have quick travel between Tyria and Cantha, thankfullyThis article is about an explorable area. de:传送门-Schriftrolle: Arborstein es:Pergamino de portal a Piedra Arbórea. This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total. Providing a combined tome would actually disincentive buying more shared inventory slots for those who already have some of them, but the more useful a single item is, the more value a shared inventory slot has to a player who has yet to buy one or more than a couple. The portal now also offers me 'Travel to Arborstone' and EotN. And even if someone is/will be crafting gen 3, rushing that mastery made them some easy profit, since they sold for. Players who have at least one character level 80 will have the waypoint unlocked automatically. It even has a PvP area (which sadly goes. I didnt even bother to read the pop up when deleting it. Then you can use it like a free waypoint on the map. This one has a feature none of the others (besides the Guild Hall) have: the ability to return exactly where you left. Portal from Lion's Arch for characters that completed Tower of Secrets. Applies the Arborstone Teleport Stone effect when moved on. Turn to your right into the little nook. ; Use the Icebrood Saga Portal Tome. Guild hall, arborstone portal scroll if u have done the story at least once, tp2friend Reply reply KuroiKageryuu • In addition to that, if you own living world season 2, 3, 4 and Ice brood saga. The Scrying Stone in The Wizard's Tower. Jade Bot stuff makes your character and mounts more powerful everywhere. Otherwise, pick up the portal scrolls from vendors in the zones to make life easy. Clicking on the cardinal directions will center the map on. The name follows north american floor numbering. But i dont have such thing in my inventory. Gizmo (Default) Required Level: 80. 7405— In-game description. However, within these islands is the headquarters of the Astral Ward who are dedicated to fighting against the invading threat of the. Repeatable Renown Hearts. However, within these islands is the headquarters of the Astral Ward who are dedicated to fighting against the invading threat of the. Gw2 Portal Foliant End Of Dragons . Arborstone portal scroll (not going to waste a slot on each charcter's inventory), portaable waystations (super important), right now an infinite continue coin, but very often an invitation to the party AND my permenent bank contract. Cantha Explorer. There's even a portal in the center of Mistlock Sanctuary with no cost travel to any of the major cities for even more money saving! The mix of having this in one slot and Arborstone Portal Scroll in another shared slot allows me to have quick travel between Tyria and Cantha, thankfully The Arborstone area is wherein lies Cathedral zu Heltzer, the place where the sacred Kurzick relic, the Urn of Saint Viktor, is stored. This item has infinite uses. C. r/Guildwars2. What I was just shown was a big, grand, multi level (very empty) hall with the apparent functionality of the Eye of the North, a social hub that. Armour repair also used to feed into this loop but was disproportionately impactful towards new players. Ingredients. Otherwise, pick up the portal scrolls from vendors in the zones to make life easy. . Juvenile White Tiger. 42 05 51. My Daily Strike rotation requires starting in Wizard's Tower, then going to. Applies the Arborstone Teleport Stone effect when moved on. Arborstone Revitalization Mastery; Arborstone Portal Scroll; Replaying the story chapter. A Bug in the System) is a personal portal that can be used in combat with a cooldown of 30 seconds after pressing skill 2. Can teleport characters below level 80 to the areas heavily affected by the release of magic in Tyria, such as Lake Doric or Bloodstone Fen, if the areas have been unlocked on the account. Endless Choya Pinata Tonic - gives access to a long dash forward skill (affected by swiftness/superspeed/quickness to go a lot faster) . The fishing teleport goes to decent locations in each of the EoD zones too, so I don't have to go through Arborstone and then pay to port. World specs in five minutes or less. Viper's Crimson Dragon Slayer Torch. From Domain of Kourna: The portal is at the end of the path leading up the. g. Approach Soo-Wan through the maintenance corridor. 7x Piles of Mystic Dust. Grimjack8130 Not the same without. Complete 6 behavior scans in. 189. g. 2. Much like OLC is accessible in Arborstone, old Strikes should be available in each latest hub (and not retrospectively). Required Level: 80. Ascended Gizmo (Default) Required Level: 80. If you go for those kind of stuff, I’d personally look into those passkeys that they sell in the Gemstore. ") Put it away. Unfor. 1. 小发明 | 默认. Royal Terrace pass, Arborstone portal Scroll, Copper-fed Salvage, Runforgers Salvage, Season 3 portal tome, Season 4 portal tome, Icebrood Saga portal tome, Permanent Self-style Hair kit, Mystic Forge conduit, Boss portal device, Infinite Continue Coin (though this usually holds infinite birthday CAKE). Guild Wars 2 features multiple ways to instantaneously travel or teleport to areas; the primary methods include traveling via waypoints and using asura gates. MrMouser. Arborstone Portal Scroll. Pages in category "End of Dragons content" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 5,555 total. Win 20 games of hide-and-seek with the tengu fledgling in Arborstone. Reusable Arborstone Portal Scroll, rewarded by completing the Fallout story chapter, which can be used by any level 80 character. Each section is further divided into chapters and episodes for the personal story and. Notes . Quick Links. After the Arborstone mission, the cathedral is now overrun by. Store Living World portal scrolls inside of this tome. An even better option is to just use the exit portal of the. If you're in a guild with the Isle of Reflection hall, you can also use that to get there. From there, any character can teleport to any map you have previously visited and purchased a teleportation scroll for. 27 votes, 23 comments. Complete the Story mission A Shattered Nation from Living World Season 4, episode 4: A Star to Guide Us. Reply EmilyNancy • Additional comment actions. Icebrood Saga Portal Tome. I also have a scroll to the stone. Tale of Adventure (5) (once per day) Walkthrough New Kaineng City (open world) Upon fleeing the Yong Reactor in the previous episode, you find yourself washed up in the far northwest corner of New Kaineng City. You must be level 80 to use this item. Especially when they give you a Portal scroll in story, and everywhere prior to EoD portal scrolls are sold for pennies already. Getting there []. Chunk of Ancient Ambergris per day per account for a region specific fish are excluded) listed below: Found in the waters of the. 1. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I was in arbostone but it wouldn't let me talk to NPCs or use my mount. DE Portal-Schriftrolle: Sonnen-Zuflucht. Turn right again and run down the hallway towards the Arborstone Inn point of interest. This article is about an explorable area. 93. People very quickly noted the inconsistency with it having the same icon style as the Arborstone Portal Scroll while being called a stone. Spending. From Divinity's Reach: The portal is on the northeastern edge of Plaza of Lyssa. Use the Eye of the North Waypoint — . Gift of the Echovald Forest; Lamplighter's Badge; One of the following, depending on your profession: Willbender's Cache Vindicator's Cache Bladesworn's CachePretty sure the south-east corner near the arborstone, portal, in that village where you smash crows and stuff. Use the arborstone portal scroll. I just want a fast way to get to the inn for the experience buff. I'm working on a video series that covers basic builds and rotations for World vs. (Returns to "This tome hums with magic. There also is the Fractal Portal Scroll from the Fractal Rush event that teleports to Fort Marriner in Lions Arch. It has a mystic forge, the strike mission portal, crafting stations, a jade bot station, bank, tp, and guild bank near each other. The duality of water is reflected in Cantha's seas. I still use the 4 race cities because they’re layout and aesthetic has always been much nicer to me. +free Arborstone portal scroll [sort of a sidenote here] +anyone rushing that mastery line within ~1st week or so made easy ~150 gold. I just want a fast way to get to the inn for the experience buff. For the bundle found in Bloodstone Fen, see Unstable Bloodstone Fragment. There are multiple ways into the desert without the story. I myself am using the Mistlock Sanctuary one (has a portal to all the major cities + you can easily enter Fractals from there) in combination with the Arborstone portal scroll to get to the EoD maps without having to waste a crapload on waypoints, along with the tomes for living world. There's also merit to keeping a stack of each kind of unid up. use the portal scroll to arborstone and strike portals from there 1 Link to comment Share on other sites. permanent bank access, personal merchant, personal trader, mystic forge conduit, season 3,4,icebrood,arborstone portal. If you are just looking for some random things to do, I also suggest checking out "The Goods Collection Guide" Reply Cleru_as_Kylar_Stern • Additional comment actions. Lots of people buy shared inventory slots, which is also where people tend to keep these portal scrolls/tomes. Arborstone Portal Scroll: Double-click to teleport to Arborstone in the Echovald Wilds. Arborstone is meant to be the hot new city hub for EOD players to hang out. Carrying Portal Scrolls is usually recommended unless a player is using the Portal skill gem. Sobx. . Also, it has an Arborstone port, so I can store the Arborstone scroll rather than needing both in shared slots. This is not LW, you're getting there by using the regular between the maps passages. A Black Lion Key can be used to unlock a Black Lion Chest. We didn't get a portal scroll in PoF the base expansion or HoT. DE Portal-Schriftrolle: Arborstein. . Map can be reset after completion. I have been told that you do not have to do that if you use the strike shrines on the specific maps tho. There you get a portal scoll which you can use to port evey char to Arborstone. Makes me feel like it's halfway through the renovation and not a completed one. They are held back by the combined forces of kodan and quaggans of the Sorrow's Eclipse Sanctuary, with occasional support from a local grawl tribe. Weird, I got that pop-up when I loaded into Arborstone with a character who hadn't done the story. Use to teleport to the Wizard's Tower. Your hard work rewards you with one of these Scrolls. Not perfect, but gets you a little closer, and again, only works if you have that pass. See full list on wiki. Infiltrait0rN7X. Hide-and-Seek in Arborstone – 5AP. The Arborstone. maybe not enough i guess. The fastest way I've found is to use the Arborstone portal scroll, then immediately take the waypoint, run to the teleporter up to the second floor, and jump over the corner with raptor. I should finish story and stop cruising around the map hehe. Meet with Joon. An unassuming scroll covered in thin green lines that seem to glow slightly when touched. Repeatable Renown Hearts. When you use the Portal Grimoire, it open a zoomed out world map with waypoint icons showing every destination you unlocked. 5 from the event reward upon map completing Ember Bay. For expansion content you can even search for a guild that has the guild hal of that expansion, go to the hall and then go back through the portal to the other maps. Kaolai 's dialogue indicates that, at some point in development, this mission was known as Deadwood Fall. Idyllic and rural land with farming and fishing settlements scattered across the landscape, Seitung. Free with a portal scroll. Edited May 27, 2022 by Gibson. Additional copies can be obtained by repeating story with other characters. It was probably quicker, easier, and cheaper to change the name than to get the art department to design a new icon that actually looked like a stone. From Seitung Province: Take the Portal in the northern Part of the map near Haiju Docks Waypoint. And just with the first mastery linked to Arborstone, "Base of Operations", you unlock an Asura gate to Lion's Arch Edited April 8, 2022 by Fyore. Club Canach can be reached by heading through a tunnel in the northern part of Arborstone. Leave the door alone. After. There will be a Portal Scroll later on in the story, so after you've done it once, you can port with every other char to cantha. Travel to Sandswept Isles. Arborstone Portal Scroll: ha ha just kidding I have three lounge passes. It has a mystic forge, the strike mission portal, crafting stations, a jade bot station, bank, tp, and guild bank near each other. As of some time October 2023 it appears it can no longer be used while defeated. After. ; From Lion's Arch —. Bloxd is the one of the best online 3D voxel game inspired by Minecraft. Put a small portal tome icon on every point, a potential portal tome could take you. I cannot express how disappointed I am with Echovald and now Arborstone as they dropped the ball to deliver some darker zones for us w MrMouser. Icebrood Saga Portal Tome-> Eye of the North Asura Gate -> <Target Map> LS3 Bloodstone Fen; Ember Bay;. The Arborstone area is wherein lies Cathedral zu Heltzer, the place where the sacred Kurzick relic, the Urn of Saint Viktor, is stored. Enter the Yong Reactor. Avoid standing beneath giant mushrooms which emit the Stone Spores effect. Endless tonics (1 C, 114 P)Danikat. . Even if all the portal scrolls gets merged, I will still have stuff I would put into the shared inventory slots. False theirs also one in the sunspear HQ (dont remember the excat name of the map, the solo hub from season 4) You can invite your friemd in your instance and their a tiny arena were you can pvp with pve build. Why does the Arborstone portal scroll not suffice? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites. If they want to make money from shared inventory space, all they need to do is add more spaces. Assist Lyhr. 7k. You get a Portal Scroll to Arborstone during the story or you can use the new Azura Gate in Lions Arch. To this day if someone isn't interested in crafting gen3 leggies, it's a decent source of gold. Guild Wars 2 MMORPG Role-playing video game MMO Gaming. Subcategories. "—Ju. Cause no matter how long I stay out of Arborstone for days and weeks with the two characters I have it now never resets the Hero Challenge. Not to mention unique features like a minigame lounge, jade shard exchange, and even an inn. Gizmo.